Wind turbine operators spend millions of dollars on data each year, whether it’s on big data analysis or condition-based monitoring using sensors to diagnose failures that occur within their systems. These programs are costly and limited in the amount of insight and information they provide, because they only take into account past and present information. Each time a component fails, more money is pumped into these programs to find patterns that will provide insight to prevent similar occurrences from happening in the future.

But what if we could give you physics-based computational testing that would allow you to simulate thousands of test points and give future prognostics at three levels of visibility? We provide “small data” from materials science at the lowest cost with the highest accuracy of machine life data.

Our DigitalClone software takes information like installation date, location, SCADA data, failure and maintenance reports, wind loads, lubrication and other applications to build physics-based models of bearings, gears and the gearboxes used in an asset. Then, thousands of tests are simulated on each of the components at our computational test lab to give three levels of visibility,

The short term visibility gives a forecast of the assets that are showing signs of “imminent death.” This time frame accounts for roughly the next zero to three months. We then provide solutions to operational, monitoring and supply managers on how to execute the remaining life of that asset.

The mid-term visibility forecasts the next three to 36 months and provides solutions for life extension, including the benefits of “Buy on Life.” Managers of assets, who maintain the suppliers and spare parts of the gearbox, main bearing, pitch and yaw bearings and blades, as well as engineering managers, can use this information to monitor their assets and budgets for up-tower replacements and services.

The long term visibility shows the failure rates over the next 3 to 30 years. Managers of risk, financial officers and developers also use our Buy on Life service to compare suppliers to ensure the right configurations are used for the location of the asset.

The knowledge from this data will allow operators to optimize their watch lists to perform scheduled maintenance services to extend the life of an asset, determine if their supplier lists should be updated to ensure that the best components are used for their application, and it allows owners and operators to scale their business plans to choose which assets to buy and sell.

To learn more about how DigitalClone can help you formulate better business strategies, sign up today for our “Turn your Data into Gold” webinar to be held at 10 a.m. EST on Wednesday, February 17.