mHostetler200x200.pngThe end of warranty period is a critical decision making time for wind turbine operators. Sentient provides data that gives operators insight needed to understand the best strategy to manage their assets after their Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) warranty agreements expire.

Typically, the OEM sends a proposal to the operator about a year prior to the end of warranty with terms and conditions to continue in a long term service agreement. The operator is faced with a decision to continue in an LTSA with the OEM at a high premium, move to an Independent Service Provider, or hire technicians and site supervisors to manage the assets in house. The operator needs the risk data to make informed forecasts on cost and maintenance needs, so that they don’t take on a risk that can be damaging to the performance of their site.

Sentient Science works with the End of Warranty inspection provider to collect data on the current state of the asset and other valuable information, like important error code trends, lubrication viscosity and bill of material information. Sentient then applies its material science-based software DigitalClone to virtually test the fatigue and stresses placed on each asset under the site’s operational and loading conditions. The fleet risk report gives a five-year forecast, ROI optimization, and tracking mechanisms into the most critical turbines, gearboxes and component watch lists. This gives the operator visibility into the impending failures in the fleet, and insight into any possible serial defects. Sentient then provides recommended actions that can be applied to extend asset life.

Currently, this knowledge can help the operator save between 70 cents/MWh and $2/MWh, depending on the service option they choose. Sentient’s overall goal is to help the operator save $10/MWh by applying the material science-based approach to multiple aspects of the operator’s business.

For more information on Fleet Risk Assessments and better End of Warranty Claims, download the recorded webinar or register for a demo here.

Matthew Hostetler is the Industrial Internet Solutions Manager and presenter of the Fleet Risk Assessment webinar.