Wind turbine manufacturers cannot test enough within industry budgets and time to market. Without enough testing, wind turbine components and systems have experienced unexpected failures in the field, leading to high warranty cost.
If they could do more testing within the current time and budgets restraints, manufacturers and operators could predict reliability and evaluate how engineering and supplier quality trade-offs will improve life and performance.
Dr. Raja Pulikollu, Lead Scientist of Materials and Director of Implementations, and Stephen Steen, Manager of New Business Development, will present the technical approach to computational testing, the problems it is solving today, and Sentient Science’s current development efforts in solutions such as drive systems, white layer etching, and blade failures.

Director, Implementations & Chief Materials Scientist
Dr. Pulikollu is responsible for the commercial implementation of DigitalClone solutions and for the research and development of DigitalClone Material. His expertise includes material science, mechanical metallurgy, prognostics and health management, fatigue and fracture mechanics, probabilistic life prediction methods, and micro-structural analysis. He holds a Ph.D. in Material Science from Wright State University.