How Sentient Science’s Prognostic Solutions Impact Operations & Maintenance Cost
As wind turbines age and come off of their original warranty, operators must have a strategic plan for effectively maintaining their assets to maximize power generation and subsequent profits. New advances in condition based monitoring and prognostic asset management are an essential part of an effective strategy. Join us to learn how integrated predictive modeling can drive down operations and maintenance costs for your high value assets.
Presenters Bio:
Stephen Steen has been leading CBM system design and integration within the automotive and energy industries for over 10 years. Currently Stephen is tasked with bringing DigitalClone Live, a third generation prognostics based CBM system, to the energy and heavy machinery industry.

Stephen Steen has been leading CBM system design and integration within the automotive and energy industries for over 10 years. Currently Stephen is tasked with bringing DigitalClone Live, a third generation prognostics based CBM system, to the energy and heavy machinery industry.