Core Functionality

Manage Defects in Real Time
While most AM defect detection capabilities in development are focused on geometric features, DC-IM can identify individual layer abnormalities that - if left uncorrected - can severely limit the fatigue life of the resulting part.
Auto Trigger Repair Process
Each layer that is printed is monitored using an infrared sensor. Once a bad layer is identified, the cutting and reprinting program will be triggered automatically to correct those layers within the Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Machine.
Resume Build Automatically
After the bad layer(s) are cut off as defined by Sentient’s optimal repair strategy, then the layers are reprinted by using good parameters.
Integrated Closed-Loop Feedback
DC-IM is a closed-loop feedback control system that will perform layer-by-layer analysis and anomaly detection.

DC-IM Modeling Results


How Does It Work?

Closed-Loop Feedback System that monitors the AM build process and analyzes the build quality of each layer.
Detects the presence of abnormal print layers in real-time, and automatically trigger the repair process that removes the defective layers and allows the process to resume without operator interaction.
The software then allows the build process to resume without operator interaction.





DC-IM provides an in-process defect monitoring and correction technique for AM to improve repeatability for geometric dimensions, material properties, and quality.

This process can be used in quality assurance plans to obtain the confidence needed for high-quality manufacturing.

DigitalClone can

  1. Monitor for defects during the build process using an infrared (IR) camera
  2. Correct defects using optimized AM process parameters through advanced modeling and simulation
  3. Reduce prototype optimization sample builds from dozens to just a handful
  4. Accelerate process optimization timelines from weeks/months to days
  5. Enable faster implementation of AM-based designs