Buffalo, N.Y. – Sentient Science today announced that they have implemented a new webinar series for the 2014 year.

This series will include three main discussion topics per calendar quarter in the manufacturing sector: prognostic technology advances, life extension solutions for mechanical systems, and asset operational improvements using the Industrial Internet. The series will allow industry professionals the opportunity to engage and ask questions to Sentient Science’s team of PhD scientists and subject matter experts.

“We started hosting webinars about a year ago and they were by far our most popular program. The number of registrants nearly tripled in just a short few months. Webinars give us a chance to learn and understand what problems our customers are having, and allows us to access the best solutions for them. We focus on making the sessions a two-way conversation and we like to give our customers and prospects the chance to engage and ask questions,” said Ed Wagner, VP Customers and Solutions at Sentient Science.

Join us for our next webinar on April 23rd from 1PM to 2PM EDT on A Step By Step Approach to Predict Fatigue and Wear Failure, Register Today! Upcoming webairs are listed here, and include:

Multi-Physics Modeling: A Step By Step Approach to Predict Fatigue and Wear Failure and Remaining Useful Life in Mechanical Systems by Nathan Bolander, PhD.

Gearbox Life Extension: Improving Rotorcraft Drivetrain Life with Computational Testing and Asset Management
by Behrooz Jalalahmadi, PhD.

The Industrial Internet: Applying a New Generation of Prognostics Across the Industrial Internet to Predict Asset Life and to Better Service Distributed Assets by Ward Thomas

Sentient Science, headquartered in Buffalo, NY, is the leading company providing prognostic technology and services that extend the remaining useful life of mechanical systems. Since 2011, Sentient provides technology to predict how cracks initiate in materials and how those cracks grow under real operating conditions. Today, this technology is offered commercially as computational tools and condition-based monitoring services to help companies predict and extend the life and performance of critical components and systems in design, testing, procurement, and service. By interfacing prognostic models through the Internet to fielded assets for Prognostic Health Management (PHM), Sentient Science supports what GE and others now call the Industrial Internet.


Natalie Hils

Marketing Programs Manager, Sentient Science



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