‘How the Digital Transformation is Reducing Costs Across the Aerospace Industry’
January 29, 2018 – London, UK – Sentient Science, a digital platform provider that lowers the cost per flight hour by 13%, will present at the International Military Helicopter Show in London, UK this week on “How the Digital Transformation is Reducing Costs Across the Aerospace Industry.”
The presentation, led by Jason Rios, Vice President of Aerospace and Government Programs for Sentient Science, will discuss real use case examples of how digitalization is leading to greater integration of technologies between rotorcraft operators and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
Sentient’s DigitalClone Platform creates an ecosystem of rotorcraft operators and OEMs connected by materials science-based component life predictions. The software, through physics-based modeling, looks at the accumulation of stresses at the microstructure of critical components to predict early crack initiation, revealing the how, when, and why, failures occur.
“Current monitoring systems only reveal the when,” Rios said. “Our technology reveals the how and why failures occur so secondary and recurrent failures can be mitigated.”
Until now, routine maintenance checks were necessary to determine a rotorcraft’s signs of wear, meaning the rotorcraft needed to be taken out of service and unavailable for flight while the inspection takes place. With digital technologies, however, operators can move to predictive maintenance practices, because the materials science-based data provides the failure rates of the critical components within the rotorcraft. This enables improved operations and maintenance planning, inspection efficiency, improved budgeting and forecasting, supply chain efficiencies, reductions in safety stock, improved productivity and reductions in risk and uncertainty.
DigitalClone, built with $30 million of U.S. Government funding for the Department of Defense, has been successfully deployed to the wind energy industry since 2013. Today, DigitalClone monitors the health and long-term life predictions of 22,000 wind turbines globally, providing life extension solutions that reduce the cost of energy by up to 13%.
Rios will detail success stories seen in the wind industry. He will discuss how Sentient has refined its solution from the successes and learnings from the renewables customer base and how the company is now applying the application to the aerospace industry.
HUMs data is focused on data anomalies that indicate the onset of failure. Once the HUMs signal alerts the operator to the impending failure, it’s too late to take preventative action. Materials Science with data science, however, enables time and valuable data ingestion to make strategic business decisions that reduce the cost per flight hour and ensure the availability and sustainability of fleets.
“Sentient Science is redefining long-standing industry practices by understanding materials science and data science in a way that truly prevents secondary and recurrent failures,” said Rios. “This can only be achieved through successful digitalization of the business. This presentation shows how materials science complements HUMs system data to predict early failure modes months to years in advance of current 30-to 60-day warnings. I’ll then detail how to successfully utilize the data to reduce costs across key business areas.”
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Sentient Science Corporation is a leader in predicting the life and reliability of complex rotating equipment. Sentient Science’s cloud-based software, DigitalClone Platform, manages the health and life extension of rotating mechanical equipment using a combination of materials science and data science. The technology models and simulates components and full systems within the electrification and transportation markets. DigitalClone applies materials science and physics-based modeling techniques to simulate rotating equipment under representative operational loads and conditions. Operators optimize their maintenance cycles and lower the pre-and post-installation costs of “rotating” systems through life extension actions. Equipment manufacturers use the software for design tradeoff and sensitivity analysis and to prove their life claims to the market. Sentient Science was recognized by the White House in 2014 with the Tibbetts Award, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Pioneers Award in 2016, and Frost & Sullivan for Best Practices in Wind Prognostics, 2017.