The webinar outlines the upgrades Moventas made on the GE 1.5 Extra Life gearboxes.
Sentient Science validated the technology advances and life extension claims for the owner operator community and quantified the improvements in performance, durability and reliability.
The computational testing showed an overall life improvement by a factor of 4x. The life extension achieved was due to improvements made to the case carburized ring gear, integrated planet gear bearings, high speed stage bearings, tooth surface roughness, and material specification upgrades in both bearings and gears.

Vice President of Implementations and Chief Materials Scientist
Dr. Pulikollu is responsible for the commercial implementation of DigitalClone solutions and for the research and development of DigitalClone Material. His expertise includes material science, mechanical metallurgy, prognostics and health management, fatigue and fracture mechanics, probabilistic life prediction methods, and micro-structural analysis. He holds a Ph.D. in Material Science from Wright State University.